This past week, both the kids have had bronchitis which has left them with fevers, terrible coughs and just feeling very crummy. That said, we have spent lots of time in the warm tub (for the steam) and playing in our cozy jammies. Here are just a few things that the kids have done in their jammies. Drew found a new way to enjoy playing in his new birthday/Christmas train table.

I think he might have just been too tired to stand up and play, so he thought that sitting would be much better :)

And our little Diva, Raegan has so much fun dressing up. I'm not sure what she was supposed to be, but she thought she looked great!

This barely touches the surface of the silliness that goes on in our house :)

Painting has become another favorite thing to do. You can see that there is art work already on display on our fridge.

And, last... Drew still hasn't given up his pacifiers at night. He is supposed to only get them when he is actually IN his bed, but sometimes he sneaks in there and grabs them when we aren't looking. They have just felt so crummy, I allowed him to suck on them just this once. He just looked so pitiful. Don't you love how he still holds handfuls of them.

Hopefully, the coughing will stop soon and we will be well on our way to recovery.