No, we didn't fall off the face of the planet. We did however slip off for a week to the beach with my family. Naturally, in true "Roop" fashion, both our kids ended up getting sick for a few days of the trip, but we still managed to have a great time. It was tiring to say the least, but it was so fun to hang out with out whole family. At least there were extra hands around to help with our feverish and snotty kids :) It has taken a few days to get our house back in order, especially since Drew is still sick, but I think we have finally returned to a little bit of normalcy. There were LOTS of pictures for me to go through, so bear with me cause this will be a very long post. Hope you enjoy some of the highlights of our week.
Here is the whole family looking pretty decent in a picture. We are a nice looking crew.

Mama and Raegan.

Daddy and Drew.

The grandkids and Grandparents.

The Roops.

The Yates.

Grandad and Drew taking a nap on the beach. The sound of those waves knocked both of them out :)

What a cutie pie. He looks like a toddler here instead of a baby though.

Nana and Grandad without any grandkids hanging around their neck.

Raegan said she was swimming in this little water hole.

Drew didn't get to spend too much time in the sun, but he did enjoy a few minutes in this little pool.

Here are all the grandkids hanging in the baby waves.

This was my favorite picture of the week. My two favorite boys looking so cute!

I just love those sweet little freckles!

Goofing around with Grandad.

Guess what color popsicle she had?

Drew stealing a little one-on-one time with Nana.

The only problem we had was that there just weren't enough Nanas and Grandads to go around :)

The family (minus our napping Drew)

Hanging in the surf with Ben and Grandad.

Here she is with Grandad, and this is about as brave as she got with the waves.

Here is Scott and Ben "riding" a wave on his boogie board.

Our sweet happy baby boy.

This was one of those randome, but beautiful pictures!

"Hey, nice hat. I guess mom made you wear one too :)"

Raegan playing in the sand

What little time Drew did get to spend on the beach, he usually just sat under the tent. He really liked the sand though!

Sorry about all the pictures, but I have HUNDREDS and it was hard to pick just a few. Hope you enjoyed them.
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