This is Raegan's second season playing soccer and she still loves it. She isn't much better than last season, but as least she is having fun.

She is always willing to cheer her teammates on, and may have a more promising career in cheerleading. For now, she still enjoys playing soccer.

She is a little diva from time to time, and needs to take lots of breaks.

What does Drew do during the game? Anything he can get away with. He would LOVE to play and would probably be better than Raegan, but he can't until next year.

He usually cries on the sidelines, but if he has a ball in his hands he is okay.

He likes baby Jenna, and got caught in a sweet moment sharing snacks with his little buddy.

Are they cute or what?

She may not always know what's going on in the game...

but she always looks cute with her matching soccer hairbow and socks.

It's hilarious watching our little "star" and we enjoy it just as much as she does.