How can it possibly be that my first born child turned 4 years old. It seems just yesterday that we got to bring the sweet little bundle home from the hospital and really call her ours.

She has been counting down the days until she could say she was 4, and that day came yesterday. Since Tony and some of our friends and family had the day off, we decided to take advantage and have a mini bowling party.

Here she is with her sweet little friend Jayden. These girls are princess crazy, and two peas in a pod!

Drew had lots of fun, even if the dinosaur chute was pink.

Daddy tried to give the kids some pointers on bowling.

But they just really wanted to slide down the dinosaur.

Of course, a hot pink ball for the birthday girl.

Raegan loved the dinosaur chute, but Ryan preferred the old fashioned way. He even got a strike!

Since we only had 5 kids at the party, everyone got to blow out a candle.

That's a really big breath. She must have really wanted her wish to come true.

She tried to act shy while we sang Happy Birthday to her, but she really loved being the center of attention. And if you are wondering why there are two cakes... lets just say that this pregnant mama really wanted a DQ ice cream cake and Raegan didn't. We will call it a compromise :)
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