Well the holidays just seem to bring our my crafty side in full swing. Raegan and I have been making all sorts of fun things the last week or so. Here is a little clip of my enthusiastic helper while we were making salt dough ornaments. I just love this little girl.
Here she is working hard (in true Raegan fashion with that tongue stuck out) painting our ornaments. It took a lot of concentration.

This next picture was a surprise project for Raegan. I had gotten some letters to paint to put Drew's name to his wall (finally) and the leftover was turned into a masterpiece by my little Picasso. The absence of clothes happened after she got a little paint very close to her sleeve, so she quickly stripped down to underwear and didn't take the time to put more clothes on.

Here is Raegan's little tree she decorated. We strung Fruit Loops for garland (very fun AND tasty :) and she picked out all the decorations herself. They were all different variation of balls and there are blue lights that you can't see. It has since been moved up onto her dresser since Drew kept knocking it down trying to get to the Fruit Loops.

Here are a couple of the cinnamon ornaments we made that Raegan decorated with Puffy paint. She really wanted pink paint even though it wasn't a Christmas color, and as you can see just globbed it on. I think they are beautiful though! The candy cane was mine.

And just so you know that we haven't brushed Drew to the side, he has been hanging out watching us "create" and trying his best to get his hands on everything that resembles food. His new favorite toys... the remote and a hairbrush. He is so easy to please.
Love the Fruit Loop idea. I was just counting all our "O" cereal this morning: Oatios for Matthew, plain Cheerios for Stephen, Honey Nut Cheerios for Andrew and Doug, and the Fruity Cheerios that Andrew "used" to like. Maybe we can recycle them.
I also love the crafty side of Christmas. Last year we made cinnamon and salt dough ornaments, and the boys loved it. I guess I just need to roll up my sleeves and get to it this year.
Enjoyed seeing all of ya'lls Christmas projects!
Chrisa said she saw ya'll last night. That is funny about Raegan, but she was quite correct! :) We were discussing living in the 'olden days' on the way home as well! It would have been real cozy and cold! I don't think we would have survived very well either.
Glad I could assist you in the Blue Clue's song, wouldn't want ya to forget it! ;)
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