This past Saturday, we headed to Asheboro, NC to the Zoo. It was a very hot day, and there were LOTS of people there, but somehow we managed to have a great time. Here are some of our highlights of the trip. Raegan took a turn "hatching" like a chicken.
Everyone's favorite part of the trip was the elephants. That's all Raegan talked about on the way down. "When are we gonna get to see the elephants?" she kept saying. The elephants didn't disappoint us either. They put on quite a show, playing in the water and squirting each other. Raegan kept asking if they were taking a bath or if they were just swimming. Not sure if you can see, but there were two elephants in this picture. One was just under the water and you can only see his back.
I believe that Drew was admiring the elephants in this picture.
Nana will do anything for these kids... even ride an little anteater :)
I think Raegan liked these statue animals as much as she liked the real ones. At least she could ride these.
Watching the elephants from another view.
Say cheese...
Drew thought he was a better navigator than we were. He must have been trying to decide where to go next.
Grandad and Drew are best buddies, and as with most days, if you saw one, you were just about guaranteed to see the other close behind.
This was my favorite picture of the two of them.
Tony, Raegan and I posing with the Zebras... or cows as Drew called them. Come to think of it, he called every animal he saw a cow! They are his favorite, but unfortunately they didn't have any cows at the zoo. Maybe next time, we will take him to a petting zoo.
Speaking of cows... every sign that had animals on it, Drew ran up to and yelled (you guessed it) "COW"!!!!
Tony took this picture of our little train pushing through the crowd.
Raegan and Daddy posing with the giraffe.
Grandad and his little buddy admiring the giraffe as well.
Drew had the most fun digging in the dirt with a stick, but hopefully we can take him back again when he will appreciate it a little more. He is such a boy!
They were exhausted when we finally made it back to the car. I don't know who fell asleep first... the kids or Grandad :) We had lots of fun, and hope to actually go back and see the other half of the zoo in the near future.