Raegan has been so excited for her first day of preschool to come, and today she finally got to go. I was afraid that she would cry, or worse be scared that I wasn't there. In reality, she had a blast. She gave me a kiss goodbye and said "see you in a little while mom". I, on the other hand shed a few tears last night AND today. It's just hard for me to believe that my baby is 3 years old and is grown up enough to want to go to preschool. I've debated on sending her this year or just teaching her at home. She was so excited about the idea of going to school with other kids, so we decided to give it a try. I just wish there was a pause button so I could keep my kids little for just a little longer.

I think Drew was so excited because he thought he was going to preschool too.

Drew wanted a first day of school picture too.

Raegan was saying "Drew, come give me a hug before I go. I'll be so sad without a hug from you"

But, sad she was not. She walked straight in and barely looked back.

This is the teacher's aid, Ms. Terry.

And Raegan's Teacher, Ms. Lou.

When I picked her up, she said she had a great time at preschool and wanted to know when she could go back. I just hope that this will last!