Every year since we have been married, Tony and I have always taken a post-tax season mini-vacation to unwind from the long work hours crammed in just a few short months. This tradition carried over when we had kids, and now we take a little mini family vacay. Well, this year we decided to start a new tradition (so long as we can afford it each year) of going on a pre-tax season trip. What a great idea it was! We loaded the car and headed to Wilderness at the Smokies (an indoor waterpark) where we met my brother and his family and my parents. I only took a few pictures, but we went non-stop from sun-up to sun-down! We came back tired, but had so much fun.

Raegan and Drew were intrigued by the wave pool, but much to scared to actually go in it. Even when there were no waves.

Callie was a trooper on the trip. She caught a nap whenever she could, and still managed to be her sweet little self.

This was their favorite... a wet, but safe slide that they went down no less than 100 times. I LOVE this picture of Drew.

Raegan did get brave enough to go down head first.

Callie had her first experience at swimming.

She didn't seem to mind, but wasn't very impressed.

This girl stayed in the water until her lips were purple.

We left tired and wet, but it was worth it!