I have been so slack recently about posting. (sorry dad :) I have just preferred to be outside, or at the pool, or making cupcakes , or taking a nap with my children than sitting at the computer. Here are some of our favorite pictures of the kids lately. This may be a long one...
Preschool is finally over, and Raegan has "graduated" from the 4 year program. Funny thing is, we decided to hold her back one more year, so I guess she will be graduating from 4 year preschool again next year. Regardless, our oldest never misses the chance to be on stage in the spotlight. She spent most of the ceremony waving to all her adoring fans.
Here she is reciting Hey Diddle Diddle with her best buddy, Carter.
Now that schools out for summer, let the water play dates begin!
We have taken full advantage of Sonya's blow up water slide pool. It promises hours of fun, and nice long naps :)

Macie and Raegan needed a break from all the play.
Callie spends most of our outdoor play dates under her little shade tent. As long as she has some children to watch, she is just fine.
Sonya's niece, Addison is about 2 months younger than Callie (but with those cheeks, Addison looks older) and already these two are BFFs. They look like they are asking each other what their crazy mothers are doing throwing them into this water slide pool with all those crazy children.
I love those chubby cheek toothless grins!
Drew is always up to something, and here he decided to ride his toy down the hill.
I just wish you could have heard him yelling "Woo Hoo, watch me go"

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