I'll start with the most real picture I've gotten of Drew since he was a baby. He usually has some cheesy smile or one that's fake. I don't know how I got it, but this is a real smile from my little man.

Now, to the evening of yard work. Funny how something a simple as mowing the lawn can be so fun for kids. Everyone had to have their turn "helping" daddy.

While Drew waited his turn, he was searching for bugs.

Raegan, who is always camera ready, had to pose with her daddy for her turn around the front yard.

I wish I could say Raegan was searching for bugs, but since she is about as brave as her mama, she was picking out little weeds.

And she spent some time entertaining her baby sister.

Then it was Callie's turn around the yard. She seemed a bit nervous at first, but ended up enjoying it more than her siblings.

But she had the most fun chasing a tiny ant that was running around by her feet.

Yippy! We love being outside, no matter what we are doing.
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