Cabin fever seems to set in every day we can't get outside at least for a little while. We were so happy to get to play in the snow last week. Nine inches of snow on Thursday, but today we got out in 64 degree weather without hats and coats at the playground. Quite the change of pace, but as long as it involves getting outside, we don't care. Anyway, we did make snow angels and a Frosty the Snowman. Here is our lovely Frosty. His face and buttons didn't last too long after we let the dogs outside. Everything was edible, and just too tempting for them not to eat. We did get a cute picture with him.

Swinging in the snow.

Our little buddy Ryan came over and played. Raegan was taking Ryan's order so she could cook him something in her little playhouse.

I just thought this was a cute little picture of the two of them.

On the days it is either too cold or too wet, we have to entertain ourselves in other ways. Raegan just LOVES cooking in the kitchen, and one of the easiest things to make is cupcakes. We made cute little heart cakes to decorate on Friday.

For these 3 little cakes, Raegan used an entire bottle of sprinkles. Check out the mound of sugary goodness.

She doesn't actually eat the cake, but can scarf down lots of icing and sprinkles.
That's a lot of sprinkles!

Drew just gets a plain cupcake. We figure that's about as much sugar as he need right now. He doesn't seem to mind.

There are only crumbs left when Drew gets a hold of a cupcake. It's a nice little treat after a long day cooped up. I'm gonna be ready for spring time this year!
What's with the no-cake business? Stephen always thoroughly removes the icing, leaving a neat square of bare cake. Andrew's not so picky.
These warmer days give me hope that spring is on the way...six more weeks!
You got me? I don't like a lot of icing, I just like the cake. For her, she is all about the sprinkles and icing. Maybe the cake just isn't enough of a sugar rush?!
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