We were so spoiled with our 4 days of beautiful weather last week, and were NOT prepared for the 5 straight days of Rain and cold (and even a little snow). I don't know who was more devastated that we couldn't go outside. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I was most upset. After all, the yelling doesn't rattle your brain nearly as much when the sound can travel beyond 4 walls. Despite an entire weekend of sleepless nights with a feverish little boy (104 for two days!!!) we did manage to "use our magination" as Raegan says and have some indoor fun last week.
Drew playing peek-a-boo through our "new to us" doll house. We just love hand-me-downs!

The little princess showing off her piggy tails. I believe she was preparing to do a cheer.

Annie and Ellie gave us this keyboard and it has been a hit! We dance and sing everyday.

This was an action shot of my dancers.

Raegan practicing her ballerina twirls.

Not sure what this move was, but she was into it.

She danced so hard, her piggy tails were drooping.

After re-doing her piggy's, we had a playdate with our friends the Kidds. Of course, we can't have a playdate with Ryan and Jenna without Raegan having a turn holding "her baby Jenna". She just loves this baby!

Drew was trying to pile into this little car too... he didn't want to be left out.

These two are so silly! They can take anything safe and turn it into a 3-ring circus.

No day would be complete if we didn't put Raegan's babies to bed. Here she is feeding them all there milk just before tucking them in.

And yes, she is wearing a tu-tu over her jammies. She wanted to wear it to bed, but I insisted it wouldn't be very comfortable. She decided to take it off before we tucked her in (and removed all these babies :)

The sun is shining again today, and the temps are creeping up toward 65 degrees, so we are headed outside... YEAH!!!!! Have a good day.
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