Our last week has been a little hairy. Tucker, our sweet dog, had surgery today to remove a tumor on his eyelid. They suspect melanoma, but hopefully he will make a full recovery... that said, it just adds to the stress from sickness, sleepless nights, and my husband working really LONGGGG hours with tax season. Our health, just like the recent weather, has been totally unpredictable. I think this weather change ( 75 degrees one day, 25 degrees and snow two days later) has gotten us all out of whack. I'm not sure if the sinus infections or the cabin fever is worse though. We got desperate today, so we made our own "swimming pool" right in the bath tub. Complete with blue water and swimmies. This actually served two purposes... killing about an hour of time AND helping break up the congestion. Raegan even wore her swimsuit. This was quite a site, but boy did they have fun.

Bath time is our go to entertainment when the kids are sick too. I love that Johnson's vapor bath - it always helps open them up a little bit. I've never thought of having blue bath water, though. I'll have to remember that one.
Desperate times definitely bring out a momma's creativity. We've had numerous non-washing baths; it works magic with grumpy, stir-crazy and/or sick kids.
I'm really hoping this is the last of the cold weather; I'm ready for spring.
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