It seems like everyday, my kids find something new to play. They have always been a fan of the blanket tent, but for some reason I keep finding them under our table. I guess it's the easy way to feel like you are in a "clubhouse". I'd hate to think what might be under there (vacuuming is my least favorite thing).

This was after breakfast one morning... I think they both got up a little to early. (And yes, Raegan picked out her own outfit!)

Most dads would be cringing at this next picture. Drew, being the second child and having a big sister, is bound to play with lots of girly toys. He has really taken to baby dolls and he was practicing feeding this baby. Notice, he was feeding her in the eye. Looks like he could use some more practice. Maybe he is saying he is ready for a baby brother or sister!!! (kidding... not yet people, not just yet!)

He looks a little like he was caught doing something wrong. I don't mind that he plays with babies... but we have been buying more sports related toys lately :)

And here is one of those pictures that even has me saying "What IS she doing??" My best advice, just don't ask. You never really know with her.
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