I realized the other day that I hadn't even posted our Easter pictures up... my my, I'm slacking!!! Anyway, here are lots of pictures that should last for a little while. This was taken while we were coloring eggs the Saturday night before Easter. We colored 7 dozen eggs!!!
Drew was the funniest one coloring eggs. He just grabbed them and threw them in the colored water. Most of his ended up broken, but he seemed to have fun.
We gave it a try, and we got several shots of the kids like this...
Daddy got to sit next to Raegan in Sunday school :)
Raegan and Ben had a blast hunting Easter eggs. We used the real eggs we colored, and the first one Raegan found that had a crack in it she brought it to me and said "Oh no Mama, this one's about to hatch!" She is so funny :)
Classic Raegan, with that tongue stuck out.
Drew in his own little world.
This would be a great Hallmark greeting card!
And here is Drew last week wearing Daddy's hat just like the big boys wear it.
Isn't he something!
Hats are a big deal at the Roop house. Next to sunscreen, it's the second most important accessory that my fair skinned children are required to wear outside. I LOVED this little hat on Drew. I couldn't believe he kept it on though. He must have though he looked cool in it :)
Now that it's mowing season again, we have free entertainment at least once a week! Raegan was watching Daddy take a few laps by himself before they insisted on "helping" daddy mow.

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