Here are a few before pictures to let you see how moppy Drew had been looking. I've had to trim his bangs, over his ears and behind his neck twice. Finally, I said let's just take him to Chunky (Janet is her real name, but she is Sonya's mom and she cuts our hair).
No, he doesn't have a bloody nose, he just likes to stick things in his nose. I just love this one with those two front teeth shining. He finally has 8 teeth now, but wouldn't you know that some in the back came in before the side front teeth.
Proof of the previously mentioned fascination with his nose.
It always amazes me how much a haircut transforms them. This is MUCH shorter than his first real haircut, but he looks so cute!!!
He is also practicing his spoon skills since he is finally eating things other than baby food.
And if one picture of something up his nose wasn't enough, here is another to emphasize the point of his fascination. Seriously, I've found mini M & M's, pieces of cracker and pieces of ripped up tissues up his nose. Thankfully, I've been able to retrieve all of these items with no harm. I am however preparing myself for a trip to the ER though. After all, he is only 19 months!!!

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