I just realized that I never actually put up this post of Drew turning 3 months old!!!! I had it all typed out and pictures loaded but never actually posted it. So here it is, a couple of weeks late. Our little man is now 3 1/2 months old, but here is the infamous picture in the "reading chair" of him at 3 months. This was the best I could get with Raegan running around distracting him.
These were my favorite though. What surprise!
Here is Raegan sweetly reading to her baby brother.
Raegan loves to help feed the dogs. They really like it too since she doesn't stop scooping until I take away the scooper. Sadly, she is wearing a pair of shorts that she found when I told her to go get her pants so we could go outside. She brought me this pair, which happens to be a pair of Drew's 6 month shorts... and yes, they fit her just fine. She is so tiny, and he is so big!
She was admiring and airplane, and I just loved how this picture turned out!
A new favorite of ours, playing outside with bubbles.

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