Tony officially joined our church today, and Drew was baptized. It was quite a big day for our family, and we had lots of friends and family who shared this momentous occasion with us. Here are some of the photos. This is everyone who came to celebrate with us... WHAT A CROWD!

The "little man" of the hour and his mama.

Nana and Ben.

Sonya with Brodie, who was ready to go :)

Drew snuggling with mamaw.

Chris (or "kiss" as Raegan calls him) was hanging out with his little buddy Raegan.

Macie giving Drew some love.

I loved the mischievous look on this face! She and grandad have a little game that they were playing.

Raegan with Grandad.

Our little man isn't quite so little anymore. Here is a close up of his chubby legs. He is probably 13 to 14 lbs now! As you can see, he doesn't miss too many meals :)

Our sweet boy snuggled up to his daddy.

Raegan and Drew snuggled with daddy. I'm not sure who wanted to take a nap the most :)

She actually sat still for about 3 mintues. I think that is a record for being still and snuggling at the same time!

Here she is trying to take a picture of her self. The end result is almost frightening! And no she doesn't have on lipstick, she had cherry sucker all over her.

By the end of the afternoon, Raegan had played as hard as she could with all out little friends and cousins. We hadn't been out of the driveway long before she was sacked out!
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