Who can resist a freshly bathed, sweet smelling baby/toddler. It is so much fun now watching my two kiddos play together in the tub. Of course, we have to watch them like a hawk as Raegan likes to "rinse" Drew (or pour water in his face), and Drew likes to try and grab anything and usually takes a dip face first. Here is an actual real smile from our little "Raegy Stelle Roop" (That's what her she calls herself these days) just before her bath the other night. It's so rare to catch a real smile where she isn't going "cheeeeeeese" for the camera. (and yes she is on the potty)
I usually just get these faces really close to the camera with her promptly saying " I want to see"
I just liked these sweet pictures of our little man.

And of course, Big sister Raegan is always willing to lend a helping hand. She is "washing" Drew's hair here.
Drew is very concerned with this water faucet.
They usually do play well together.
Check out that wild hair.
This is what we all usually look like at the end of the day :)
It makes me a little sad knowing that I don't really have a little baby anymore. Drew is officially pulling up on things now. He's not very good yet, but here is the proof with him pulling up on the tub. He's really trying to crawl to, so I'm pretty sure my world is just starting to get a little more interesting :)

Your two little red heads are so cute. Great pictures! Clara
Who can resist tub shots?! Our rub-a-dub-dub-3-boys-in-the-tub shot was a fiasco, but they really were having fun together.
I love the last shot of Drew's roly-poly legs. Adorable!
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