I'm officially In the so-called 'Society of Motherhood'. Yes, these last two days I finished my "hazing"... Here is a little recap of my last 36 hours
DAY 1:
Let me set the stage a little for this one. Raegan has shown a lot of interest in the potty for several months now, and will do most of her business in the potty. After talking with a few other seasoned mothers, I began what I thought was actual "potty training". We have our sticker charts on the wall, we stopped using diapers, and she has been running around the house with no pants on for about 3 days. Just when I thought we were making some progress, I have this conversation with Raegan...
R: Mama, come see, come see (with much excitement)
M: Come see what, Raegan?
R: I went poo-poo, come see! (again with much excitement)
M: You went poo-poo all by yourself?! What a big girl, did you flush to?
R: No mama, I went poo-poo in Drew's room.
M: LONG PAUSE... You did what?! (Surely I misunderstood)
R: I pooped in Drew's floor, come see
M: ANOTHER LONG PAUSE... Why don't you show me what you did.
She takes me by the hand to Drew's room and sure enough, she had pooped in the floor. The sad thing was that she thought she had done something great and was ready to get her sticker for her poo-poo chart. I tried not to scold her, but firmly reinforced that we DO NOT POOP IN THE FLOOR, we poo-poo in the potty!! Needless to say, I think that we will put a hold on potty training just a little longer :)
Day 2
After an enjoyable morning of story time with Mrs. Mosolgo at the library, we head off to lunch at Bellicinos with our cousins Amie and Connor. I had told Raegan she could have a small icecream before we left, so off we went to pick out our color. As Raegan is standing in front of the cooler trying to decide if she wants pink or blue ice cream, I sit Drew next to me at a nearby table to dig out my money. Within 2 seconds, Drew "dives" for my keys in my pocket... misses... and goes head first off the table onto the concrete floor. I'm not sure who cried harder, but after about 10 minutes of screaming and a quick trip to Dr. Shrader, he seems to be fine. I on the other hand am still a little shaken by the whole event. As my friend Sonya told me, "Welcome to the world of raising boys!"
The sad thing in all this is I'm well aware that this is just the tip of the iceburg in my ordeals in parenting. Julie, I don't know how you do it with THREE boys!
Little Things
8 years ago
1 comment:
Jazelle has gone on the potty for the last 5 weeks. I have only had to change a poopy diaty 3 times in 5 weeks. Erica gave me the idea. When her Emily was 6 months she started her on the potty and by the time she was 1 year she was completely trained no accidents. Xavier on the other hand his taking his time. He wants to wear big boy under wear but not until he can tell us when he has to go. So until then Pull ups and Nighty diaties. Good luck. Was it smeared or solid? Never mind I don't want to know. SUZ
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