The new year brought with it a ENTIRE NEW WORLD! Here is Drew just lounging like the little man he was.
Raegan had a hard time giving up her "Baby" status.

A visit with Tony's family.
Raegan trying out her new skill of feeding herself.
Drew working on some neck muscles.
Raegan still having a hard time giving up "Baby" status.
Drew hanging out with Ms Lisa.

Our first trip as a family, to Gatlinburg TN. The highlight of our trip was the Aquarium.
Raegan's first piggy tails.

A quick getaway to the beach with my folks and brother's family.

Mom O's 94 birthday party. That woman doesn't look or act 94!!!
Drew's baptism... now that's a big family!
Drew taking his first meal from a spoon. 

May: Finally getting outside again. Notice Drew is sound asleep in the swing.
Baby giggles finally filled our house again. He would always give the biggest laughs for Raegan.
Our "girls only" weekend with Sonya and Macie to the Knoxville Zoo and the Little Engine that Could train ride. We had so much fun, but the camel ride was definitely Raegan's favorite part.

Everybody loves the excersaucer!
My proudest accomplishment to date... running (and surviving) my first 5K race.
We LOVE getting to play outside. Makes me wish it was warmer again.

Our mini party on Raegan's birthday. We rescheduled her REAL party since she had just gotten out of the hospital. (she had pneumonia on her birthday, what a memory)
Drew finally learned how to sit up all by himself!
Raegan blowing out her candle at her big birthday party a few weeks late. Hey, better late than never.
Drew gets to take baths like a big boy now! He looks a little nervous :)
One of our last appointments with our beloved Dr B. I think this was Raegan's 2 year check and Drew's 6 month check.
We headed to the beach for our family vacation. Naturally, in true Roop fashion, our kids both got sick. We can't travel anywhere without someone getting a fever or throwing up!
Raegan just LOVES to "cook" in mama's kitchen. These were her first cupcakes.
Here he is getting ready to doze in the swing. He is a sucker for that thing.

Another visit with our dear Mom O.

Drew learned how to pull up and stand. He was VERY proud of this accomplishment!
Since Drew could stand, daddy got to lower his crib for safety reason. Here is Drew "assisting" his daddy.
Mamaw took the kids to Burks Garden to ride camels (which never happened) and to see all these animals. Raegan's favorite were the baby goats.
Raegan found out how much fun it is to dress up.
Drew got his first tooth.

Drew figured out how to crawl. My life REALLY changed from this point on!!!!

Drew got his first haircut! I can't believe he got this shaggy at only 10 months. Here is the before.
Here is the after.
Raegan insisted on going outside to play in our first snow. She got all dressed up, but only lasted about 3 minutes before she headed back inside to get warm.
Drew checking out his first snow. He and I didn't brave the snow like his big sister did.
Drew was a Cowboy Sheriff for his first Halloween.
My little pumpkin.
November: Drew found out he liked real food, not just the pureed stuff.
Raegan finally sleeping in a "big girl" bed. She has since gotten rid of the bumper, and says she would like one of those princess beds at Walmart. Maybe next year :)
Drew got his first black eye.
Raegan really has found her true fashion sense this year.
Our first really big snow of the year. We ended up with over 8 inches!
One of our many fun trips to "Library school" with Mrs. Mosolgo. Raegan would use poor Mrs. Mosolgo as her scape goat, blaming lots of things on her (like telling us "Ms Sogo" taught her how to spit in the floor) She did love Mrs. Mosolgo, and looks forward to Library School starting up again.
December: We started making our Christmas goodies just as soon as December came. I still can't believe that Christmas is over.
Raegan got to decorate her own personal Christmas tree. Isn't she a beauty.
Drew had his first birthday. I still can't believe my baby is ONE!
Of course, Christmas morning at our house.
And last but not least, our rockin New Year's Eve... I did make some mini open face tomato sammies and enjoy a tall glass of my favorite wine... but we were in bed around 11:00. Oh well, maybe next year I can see that ball drop :)
Well I hope you have enjoyed this little trip back over our last year as much as I have. I can't believe how much our family has changed. This has definetely not been a dull year, and I expect much of the same for this new year. There always seems to be a surprise around every corner...

Enjoyed your year in review :o) Glad that you all are well - again! Glad that you got your water problem fixed, too!
I just had to comment on the last sentence - surprises around every corner.......now you know I haven't called you about any dreams recently!!!! Hope you have a great day!
Mrs Howell
Oh! I really, really enjoyed it! Thanks for doing that...you can come do mine! :-)
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