Suddenly, I went from having a little baby boy to having a LITTLE BOY! My sweet natured, laid back, oh-so-calm baby boy turned one and said "WATCH OUT". I know I've said it before, but he is into absolutely everything. I can hardly turn my back for one minute on this kid before I find him in a new predicament. The day before yesterday, he got stuck backwards and bottom first UNDER his
cozy coupe car, and unfortunately I didn't have time to grab the camera for fear that he might be injured. Yesterday, he got stuck in our GeoTrax train set. And today, I should have known better than to dress him in this Superman shirt, since he obviously wanted to fulfill his superpowers. I was sitting on the couch and suddenly was looking eye to eye with him. This was his first success at climbing. The funny thing with him... he is very sneaky and quiet when he is into something :)

He is finally tall enough to reach things off our dining room table. NOTHING is safe!

This was just too funny not to show you. He escaped from a diaper change early one morning BEFORE I got his new diaper back on. He is a quick little thing. His face and the fact that he is holding a pink "dry-hairer" (as Raegan calls it) and a pink purse were just too irresistible not to share. He was so proud of himself at the time, but he is gonna be so mad at me one day for putting this up...

Then we have the Princess, as she refers to herself most days. She usually greets me in the morning with "Good morning princess Mama, Princess Raegan is awake". Such a formal little announcement for such a spunky little girl. Not sure why she needed to put her Dora couch on the real couch, but it must have felt more like a Throne :)

Even with her new Royalty status, she is still a little monkey.

Ah, yes life is never dull around here. And I say I still want more kids... I must be crazy :)
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