A new toy for mama that is!! I finally managed to find my grandmothers old sewing machine that my dad had inherited when she passed away. I had been told it was tucked away somewhere and that as soon as my dad found it, I could have it. Well, I took matters into my own hands, dug to the bottom of one of the closets and found it! I brought it home, dusted it off, paid $5 for a down-loadable version of the manual online, and set to work. Here she is!

Now I have absolutely no experience in sewing, but I've been determined to give it a try. All I needed was a machine... and now I've got it. It took me a good 20 minutes to figure out how to thread it, but after a few trial runs, I was cutting up old t-shirts to make a "project". I made Raegan a new t-shirt purse. Just what every 3 year old needs! No pattern, no experience, no plan... just some scrap material and a little imagination.

Now I understand the rush of creating something from almost nothing. I can't wait to get some real material, patterns and a little more experience under my belt. Who knows what I'm gonna do next. Don't look to closely at the details. Raegan loves it, but I don't think I have a career in fashion just yet :)