January started off with two sick kids...
who quickly got better and started running around again.
And everyone should sit on a couch on a couch.
February led us to LOTS of dress up, even when eating lunch.
And some good quality reading time.
March Raegan was really started playing with her babies. She is quite the little momma.
And we danced... alot!
And a new-to-us doll house that entertained the kids for hours.
In April, we could finally get outdoors. And the kids loved helping with the mowing.
Raegan got to go to her first Hokie game.
May brought weather warm enough to do projects outside. Oh, how I miss outside days!
Raegan always uses the one handed approach so she doesn't get too messy.
And Drew still chooses to get as messy as possible!
In June, we took our first beach trip with Sonya and her kids.
Raegan was not the bravest when it came to the waves.
Drew loves his pacis~!
In July, we celebrated Raegan's 3rd birthday Princess style!
And she decided that it was too cold (in mid July!) at breakfast one morning.
Drew began trying new styles.
In August, we headed back to the beach with the whole Yates family
Drew being his cute little self.
and Raegan acting all prissy. I love it!
In September, Raegan started 3 year old preschool.
I loved this picture of Drew picking flowers.
In September, we visited a pottery place called "Kil-n Time" in Bristol. I was a little nervous since everything in the store is breakable, but the kids LOVED making ornaments and presents for grandparents day.

1 comment:
Lovely and beautiful familly. I love your kids´ hair color. so different.
There´s tons of websites with cute things to your sweing machine
good lucky.
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