Finally some Christmas pictures. Instead of doing several different post, I'm just putting a whole bunch of pictures in this one post... so bear with me folks. This could possibly be the longest post in blogger history!

Drew spent most of his days rearranging the Christmas tree and admiring the presents. Only 2 presents were actually partially opened before Christmas day! And Raegan (who had picked our our own outfit) was playing waitress.

Decorating our gingerbread house. I think more icing and candy was eaten than actually put on the house.

They were posing with the house, but the look on their face says... When can we eat it or destroy it!

Raegan all dressed up for her preschool party.

All the little kids in her class playing "hot potato" with their presents.

Snuggling with her mama at the party.

Our living room campout by the gas logs when our power was out. Our living room was tranformed into a candle lit trampoline.

Here are the kids at about 5:00 am. The power had just come back on and all the lights with it... but these two were out cold! We just left them there until morning.

Christmas Eve we celebrated with Tony's family. Here is his Mamaw Bradley with her two redheaded great grandkids.

Tony's mom, Mamaw Debbie and Papaw Chris... or as Raegan calls him "Buddy"

All the Bradley great grandkids... Alyssa, Ryder, Raegan, Sadie, Drew, and Hunter.

The family gathered.
Our living room on Christmas Eve night with the kids "Santa" gifts.

This is a priceless picture... Raegan's surprised face that she wasn't on the naughty list after all and Santa did come to bring her a present. She was still half asleep.

Playing with their new toys before we headed to Nana and Grandad's.

Stocking time.

Christmas at Nana and Grandad's. Who knows what Raegan was getting Grandad to do for her.

Of all the present that Drew got, his favorites were this train shirt and a $5 pack of hotwheels... go figure!

Raegan and Ben getting a geography lesson from Tony.

Raegan snuggling with Uncle Scott.

The only family photo we got on Christmas day.

Ben kept saying, "I'm ready for you to take my picture"

My silly family

Drew snuggling with Aunt Tammy and baby Eva... she's not gonna have much room in her lap for Drew much longer!

Raegan and her wild hair!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of Raegan. She went potty by herself and managed to pull her tights up too... but her dress got stuck in the tights. We let her walk around like this for a little while, and everyone got a good laugh.

The day after Christmas, Tony's high school buddy Joe stopped by with his wife Jenn and daughter Sophie. These two have been friends since little league baseball... that's 25 years and they still like each other :)

Sophie loved Raegan but was a little scared of Drew (wonder why, he is so meek and mild :)

That evening, we had our Christmas exchange with the Kauschs and the Nuckels. Since Doot's birthday is Christmas Eve, and Drew's is the day after Christmas, we celebrated for them as well.

Raegan and her pal Junetta.

Drew trying to blow out his candles

He thought he was a big boy just like Ryan.

Me and my sweet daddy.

Let the chaos begin.

Well, I hope I didn't exhaust you with all these pictures, but I couldn't pick just a few. We had a wonderful Christmas and loved getting together with all those we love. I hope you all are as blessed as we are, and have a wonderful start to this New Year!
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