This is kind of a hodge-podge of pictures, but I've got lots of them to put up and little time to do it. So, here we have Princess Raegan. She is quite the girly little thing now, and she loves to dress up and prance around calling herself... Princess Raegan. Chrisa, just so you know, everyone who wears a dress gets to be a "princess like Ms. Christa" . You left quite an impression on my daughter in your wedding dress :)

I'm not sure who her stylist is, but we might have to fire them :)

Here are a couple of pictures I took of the kids together. Forgive me for having Raegan just in her little panties, but we are in serious potty training mode. She has been doing great, and has worn her"big girl panties" for a solid week. She has gone several days without a big accident! YIPPY!

Drew didn't seem like he was too interested in a hug, but his sister was all about giving a little affection.
And, of course, the sweet hug turned into a tackle. Don't worry, no one got hurt and Drew enjoyed that more than the hug. :)

This boy REALLY needs a haircut!

A couple of weekends ago, Mamaw and Papaw took Raegan and Drew to Burkes Garden to see (and maybe ride) the camels. Here is Raegan and Papaw Lester checking the big camels out.

Mamaw said she liked the baby goats better than the camels.

Drew didn't know what to think about those things.

Here she is admiring the baby goats. Raegan decided that after one of the camels spit at her, she didn't want to ride him after all. They had a great time anyways checking out the animals.
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