Why is it that the minute the mom of the house gets sick, the kids IMMEDIATELY get extremely whiny and needy? Needless to say, I muddled through today on auto-pilot (or survival mode) and am ready for bed. I always have high hopes, and want to have at least one productive thing come out of each day... today however we didn't even come close. I'm just glad that the kids are tucked in bed, and all I have left to do is take a bath and go to bed.
It was a great surprise for the kids, however, to awake to a snow covered yard. We had maybe 1 1/2 inches of snow, but Drew and Raegan were both ecstatic! Raegan just HAD to got outside and see the snow for herself. So we spent a good 10 minutes getting her all bundled up so she could go play in the snow. That lasted a whole 2 minutes until she came to the door and said, "the snow is getting me and it's too cold". She did look really cute all bundled up.

Isn't this sweet of my little man looking out at the snow. He didn't really know what it was, but he knew it must be exciting since his big sister was going crazy. At one point, Raegan said "It's snowing, Christmas is here" Who knew that she would remember that Christmas came with the snow.

She enjoyed standing at the front door and watching it snow from a distance much better than actually getting up close and personal with it though. This was such a sweet picture (and yes she is dressed like a pumpkin) We tried on her costume, and she loved it. She loved it so much, that she wore it around the house all afternoon!
I've had the crud here too and I told Nae, "Mommy's just aren't supposed to get sick." Mom called this morning and told the kids it had snowed and Gabe said, "It must be Christmas at Grandmama's house because they have snow." He and Raegan must be thinking alike. My poor kids just never get to see snow :(
I agree with you, Mom's just shouldn't get sick. I remember Julie telling me the same thing the first time she realized that being a SAH mom meant she didn't get any sick days. Wouldn't it be nice if moms got a couple of days a year to call in sick :)
On more than one occasion I have found myself lying indisposed on the couch with an open box of crackers or cereal for the kids' consumption: "Have at it." By the end of the day the floor was strewn with everything within their reach, but it was okay - it could all be put away later.
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