It's official... Drew is a walking man. And with his new skill, he has already had a few injuries. Here is a picture of his first shiner. I kept thinking of Opie Taylor saying "Ain't it a bute, Pa?!" About a week ago he got brave and took a few steps without the help of any one or thing, and then all of a sudden he just started taking off. He is so cute toddling around. He's not very good yet, but he's getting there. I'll try to get some video of him walking soon.

Well, despite the looming cloud of sickness that seems to be hanging permanently over our house, we have managed to get in the Christmas spirit a little. Here is our very first gumdrop Christmas tree. Raegan LOVES anything she can create or decorate, so this was a perfect (and pretty easy) project for her. She is so proud of her handy work.

We'll, since the babies are in bed, I'm off to tend to a sick husband. He now has the stomach bug that plagued me and Raegan for almost a solid week. We just can't seem to shake it. Please pray for us.