In light of the way this election turned out, we needed some good news. So, I'm thankful that we now officially only have one child in diapers. Raegan has been interested in the potty for a while now, but she never really wanted to go in it all the time. After all, it's much more convenient to just pee in your diaper so you don't have to stop playing. I finally pushed the issue and after about a week of accidents and frustration, she is officially potty trained. She is so proud of her new status as a "Big girl" and refuses to even wear pull-ups. Although she does wear a "big girl sleepy time diaper" at night. I found that just dealing with a few accidents and putting her in real panties worked best for us. It only took about 6 days, and she steadily got the idea. We will see if it's going to be that easy with Drew :) The only thing now, is that since she is so slender, her pants don't want to stay up on her tiny little tail. :) Here is our sweet "big" girl.

Here she is cooking away in her little playhouse.

She loves to walk around with her hands in her pockets. Too cute.
congrats! Love the hat.
I hear you about the pants staying up. Mya has no bum and non of her pants will stay up. We just have to do dresses a lot of the time. Congrats to Raegan- it makes life so much easier
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