Our sweet baby boy is growing up so fast. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to give a baby his/her first haircut, but there is some serious emotional attachment to that baby hair. Raegan never had any hair until she was almost 2, so the fact that I've already had to cut Drew's hair... well lets just say a few tears fell along with that baby hair. Here are the before and after pictures. I know, I know, he was starting to look like a shag carpet :) He REALLY needed a hair cut!

It hung so far over his ears. He was always messing with his ears, and I think his hair just tickled them :)

And here is the after. I'm not very good at cutting boys hair, and the front is still a little crooked. In my defense, however, he screamed the whole time we trimmed and has a horrible cow lick right in front that makes it look more crooked than it is. It took me two days and several different tries to get it all even (or pretty close to even :) Perfect or not, it definitely looks better!

He is such a handsome little boy.

Well, I'm off to tend to my feverish, snotty nose children. Yes, now they have the crud, so everyone is a little grouchy. It sure does make the days a little longer, but at least they like to sit still and snuggle more.
They always look a little older after that first haircut - still so cute though. What works for us? a good 'ole blowpop when it's haircutting time. It's so messy - all that hair combined with sticky sucker juice but they just go right into the bathtub and no tears at haircut time.
I think your mom used to use popsicles, Amy. My older ones will sit for Coke, but I've never had to cut a baby's hair. You did a good job, though.
Thanks for the tips! It was quite the adventure. He looks like such a little boy now. I will definately try some sort of "bribery" next time (but hopefully we won't have to do this again for some time)
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