Okay, so I'm always behind... Here are the pictures of our festive Halloween weekend. I have to admit, my kids were the cutest kids ever. I know I'm a little biased being their mother and all, but they were REALLY cute. I had a hard time trying to get a cute picture of both of them together. Raegan was a pumpkin, and Drew was a cowboy. Drew didn't want to wear his hat, Raegan refused to put down her pumpkin bucket so you could actually see her costume, the sun was way to bright, and they were both ready to go... not a good combination for a picture. Here is the best we got. Raegan kept working furiously to keep Drew's hat on, and Drew worked equally as hard to take it off.

Finally, without the pumpkin bucket. She insisted that this was a pretty princess pumpkin dress.

There goes the hat.

Still fighting over the hat.

Now he wants to wear the hat.
Tony and I got dressed up a little, too. I was a Virginia Tech football player (only because I already owned a football jersey and am too cheap to actually buy a costume), and Tony was Coach Beamer. I didn't even buy the kids costumes. We borrowed them from Macie and Brodie.

Nana has officially gone crazy1
Raegan loved playing this game. All you had to do was pick up a duck and you won a prize... I think there was supposed to be a duck with a star on it, but since it was forgotten, everyone won.

Raegan getting a little love from her "Doot"

Our other family - Ellie, Raegan, Annie and Drew. This is too cute!
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