Here is our little man. Isn't he a handsome little thing. He is such a sweet, cuddly baby. We took him for his two week checkup yesterday and he weighs 7 lbs and 9 oz. He has almost gained 1 1/2 lbs from when he left the hospital. Not to bad for two weeks. He does LOVE to eat though. So who do you think he looks like?? No one in our family can decide. As my Uncle Ken say, "He looks like Drew!" :)

Here is the whole gang of kids Sonya and I have. Yep, that's FOUR kids under THREE!!! We had such a good time.
My little Diva!
Going in for the hug.
This was so funny, because Raegan kept saying "My Mac, My Mac". She was jealous that her Macie was holding Drew. That's the first time she has acted jealous about somebody she knows and loves holding her little brother.

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